Sunday, April 27, 2014

And we're off!

We are off (almost)!  The first ever Atlanta Alternaitve Break Leadership Experience (ABLE) team is checked in and waiting patiently at PDX to head to Atlanta this afternoon. Our flight is delayed 45 minutes but the team is taking time to watch the rain, play games, grab lunch, and do some initial fun bonding through the assignment of nicknames! Our Flight is Southwest 532 if you want to track our progress. 

After arriving in Atlanta late tonight, the team will settle in and rest up for our first day of service tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be spending our morning with our main community partner - Lutheran Services of Georgia - learning about their organization and the families they work with. In the afternoon, after lunch, the team will head to Clarkston Community Center to spend time with students from refugee families in an after school program.  Our team is anticipating a full week of meeting new people, exploring a new community, getting to know each other, and really digging into what the concept of "neighbor" truly can be!

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we head off shortly!  See you later PDX! 

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